Advanced RYK Protocol
A Revolutionary Model For Healthy Masculinity
This comprehensive program (or rather a way of life) is for inspired men yearning to lead laterally. Wanting to be the best version of themselves primarily for themselves but also for our women, our children our earth, our present and our future…
The Conscious Warrior is about reframing the manner in which men behave, become and move through the world. The manner in which we ‘see’ ourselves and the manner in which we learn to forgive, release and evolve.
This program is a pragmatic and practical way to evolve our ways leveraging ancient wisdom and modern techniques to allow us to be more connected, inclusive and lovingly open men – to ultimately revere women and children and to learn to step humbly into our authentic power.
The Conscious Warrior Framework is a revolutionary model for living, being and loving in modernity.
This model is specifically for men, teaching men how to be ‘real men’. But redefining this concept so that men no longer need to live inside of a façade.
The conscious warrior is now redefined outside of traditional normative cultural imperatives that have and still do limit the way men interact and behave with themselves, women, children, ‘things’ and earth. No longer will men allow history to dictate the manner in which we behave in the present. This model is an opportunity for men to shatter old unhealthy paradigms and consciously choose through means of aware empowerment healthy postures – to heal the past by embracing a new man rising. One that admires, reveres, honours and acknowledges the ‘wrongs’ of the past, the suppression, the oppression, the division, segregation and toxic patriarchy that has plagued the harmony in our society for too long.
Your Instructor
Stefanos facilitates transformational growth through neuro-empowerment practices, an integration of spiritual praxis and western psychology to improve and enhance the quality of your relationships. Stefanos believes that intimate relationships and sacredness in union is a direct path to enlightenment and freedom.
Immersed in deep men’s empowerment work and intimate relationships, Stefanos merges the best of eastern and western methodologies and philosophies to promote balance, sacredness and joy in life. Using integrative techniques and methods, Stefanos has created programs, models and systems to enhance the quality of your life, your intimate relationships and in essence bring you closer to your potential.
Having worked with elite special forces soldiers, Olympic gold medalists, some of the best fighters (multiple world champions) and leveraging physical challenge, Stefanos has learned much about the male condition. Having also traversed the depths of his own pain, suicidal thoughts and fears profoundly, he has overcome destructive patterns and has faced multiple ‘ego deaths’.
By restructuring and reframing his own masculinity and movement through the world as a man relating to himself, women and his purpose, Stefanos has discovered and created methodologies for navigating the often difficult path of contemporary manhood. Through a deeper connection to God, Earth and self, Stefanos has realised the power of the human spirit. We often avoid challenge, fear and pain, however for the modern man (now more than ever), they are tools for transformation that help us heal universally.
A student of Vedanta, Stefanos applies this ancient wisdom to his own interactions with his mind, emotions, other men and deepened intimate relationships. He brings this ancient power in to a modern context - honouring the lineage, whilst being relatable.
Through his diverse, deep & varied background; for the last 15 years Stefanos has been at the forefront of innovating the global Health & Wellness Industry, whilst being a sought-after innovator in the personal transformation, relationship & leadership space. He spends his time facilitating, creating and leading immersive retreats around the world.
After struggling immensely most of his life with fear around freedom and commitment, delving deep into and shifting his own pain and shadows, Stefanos has now found incredible freedom THROUGH commitment with his beautiful fiancée Christine.
It is Stefanos’s mission to help you reconnect with your truth, and empower you to create the abundant life that you deserve.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction - The Conscious Warrior (8:08)
StartModule 1 - Ownership & Personal; Power (5:19)
StartModule 2 - Reflection, Solitude & Stillness (7:22)
StartModule 3 - Movement & Connection (9:46)
StartModule 4 - Purposeful & Passionate (4:40)
StartModule 5 - Inspired Action (6:08)
StartModule 6 - Honouring, Admiration & Belief (6:47)
StartModule 7 - Verticality & Discernment (7:11)
StartModule 8 - Selfish Selflessness (6:44)
StartModule 9 - Intelligence (7:53)
StartModule 10 - Sacred Ritualistic & Esoteric Practice (6:56)
StartModule 11 - Divine Worship & Surrender (5:15)
StartModule 12 - Explorer (7:44)